Friday, May 17, 2024

HUNTING HATHOR Can a young bowman hunt down the Destroyer of Humankind?: A mythic adventure - plus DYNASTY Zero Kindle Edition by Roy Lester Pond

"Great reading," 5-star Amazon
"Wonderfully clever and original." A mythic adventure Can one bowman hunt down and stop the Egyptian goddess Hathor-Sekhmet, sent by Ra to destroy humankind? Was it the most impossible mission in all of creation? (This story first appeared in the archaeological adventure thriller The Smiting Texts, (as a tale within the novel) but is published here separately for lovers of adventure and mythology, together with another adventure from the mythic age, Dynasty Zero. Plus Mythic Adventure 2 DYNASTY ZERO A young king-to-be must battle Egypt’s demigods to win his throne AVAILABLE ON AAMZON

'ANCIENT EGYPT REPEAT' Egypt-inspired scifi at the intersection of antiquity and tomorrow

ANCIENT EGYPT REPEAT Ancient Egypt - startlingly - in our future.
Adventure and mystery, from the corridors of tombs and pyramids, to time travel and to the alien reaches of outer space.
Across these pages, you'll encounter tales that ponder the idea of time as a cyclical force, where civilizations rise and fall only to resurface in unexpected ways. What if the artefacts left by the ancient Egyptians whispered secrets about cosmic visitors and technologies lost to the sands of time? ANCIENT VISITORS The Egypt Enigma ‘ANCIENT VISITORS...’ In the field of ancient civilizations, 'visitors' meant one thing to Egyptologist Rebecca Landers. The controversial theory about the enigma of Egypt and its advanced technological achievements. Then came the surprising evidence... and a threat to the world. Suddenly she and her team were called on to span two worlds on a dangerous archaeological quest like no other. Only they had the power to save history and the future. IN THE DEAD OF SPACE Lewis Trader: A space archaeologist ARCHAELA: His female Archaeology Android Assistant In the dead of space... a deadly pyramid structure. Was it a space mirage? an alien pyramid structure abandoned in dead space? Space archaeologist Lewis Trader and his female archaeological android ARCHAELA make a discovery. A glowing ancient Egyptian-style pyramid floating among the stars. They begin a climb up guarded ramps inside the structure amid rising levels of tension – their progress challenged by mysterious, lethal guardian sphinxes... leading to a startling revelation. EGYPT JUMP A Time Travel Rescue Mission to Save Civilization TIME JUMP ERA: 3 A.D. MISSION: Save the Jesus child, a refugee in Egypt, journeying with escaped family. THREAT: modern day Time-Terrorists and ancient assassins of Judean King Herod... Time-travel terrorists… drones… attackers with assault weapons racing through the Nile’s papyrus reeds… their target a boy king. At stake, the future of civilization. Standing in their way, two young time jumpers, Salome and Callen of the Anti Time-Terrorist Strike Force. They must stop a catastrophe that could affect billions of lives and the belief systems of the world. Sci-fi, ancient history and time-travel novella with a startling twist and revelation. Plus THE VIRTUAL EGYPT ARCHAEOGAME Immersive Egypt... descent into real danger A chosen group plays a virtual Egypt reality game inside a mysterious simulator of ancient Egypt's underworld. Then they start dying, for real. ON AMAZON

Monday, May 13, 2024

Is Egypt's allure ALL ABOUT THE GOLD? A visit to "RAMSES & The Gold of the Pharaohs" Exhibition

What brings the throngs to block-buster Egyptian shows like the recent "RAMSES & The Gold of the Pharaohs" Exhibition?
Egyptologist and book writer Kara Cooney once quipped on social media: “It’s all about the gold.” She made a point about the popularity of Egyptian exhibitions, and I agree. On a certain level, all that shining bullion certainly is a lure for anyone. And yet... it’s also about a bit more than the gold, as I am sure she'd be quick to agree. What really compels us, on a deeper, less conscious level, to draw physically close to Tutankhamun’s golden treasures at an exhibition - or to the Great Pyramid at Giza, for that matter? What compels us to journey to be in their presence? It’s more than the preposterous display of ancient power and riches, although that’s a large part of it. It’s a desire for proximity to this magnificent ancient past. For proximity between us now, and Egypt then. These artefacts overwhelm our senses, and yet they also engage us with a deeply personal issue - the ‘first great mystery’ - death. A thrall comes over our senses when we, in our modern age, stand in the presence of the Egyptians’ magnificent obsession with eternity and their monumental rejection of death. As Carl Jung asserted: "The unconscious psyche believes in life after death." I think that is perhaps why I prefer to concentrate on writing my series of modern, archaeological thrillers that explore this frisson, this brushing together of today against the ancient past, rather than setting my fiction purely in the past. We want to feel ourselves in its presence.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

GENDER AND GENRE in Egypt novels: Archaeology mystery adventure vs 'Romantasy' of ancient Egypt...

Who reads archaeological adventure thrillers?

I write Egypt novels, but sometimes wonder – are writers the best judges of their audience appeal, their true readers or of their own genre?
The dictionary describes genre as a ‘category of artistic composition’ or ‘kind’.
My books have been variously described as investigative novels, archaeological adventures, adventure thrillers and action adventures. 
I am reminded of Hamlet, where Shakespeare has some fun with the idea of genres and cross-genres when the old windbag Polonious speaks of “tragedy, comedy, history, pastoral, pastoral-comical, historical-pastoral, tragical-historical, tragical-comical-historical-pastoral, scene individable, or poem unlimited…”
Yes, my lead character is a man, Anson Hunter, an unusual, alternative Egyptologist with a sardonic line of wit, an agreeable nature and appealing flexibility.
But what of the female appeal?
The experiential young Coptic Egyptologist Kalila Nawal - we first meet her in The Smiting Texts.
The beguiling She-she-shet who appears in inset tale of the Great Destroyer of Humankind (The Smiting Texts, also in a stand alone novelette Hunting Hathor).
The glamorous university chair of the Middle Eastern Department, Dr Melinda Skilling who appears in much of the series.
The sultry antiquities Egyptian-Greek thief Alexia - Hathor's Holocaust.
The androgynous head of a new age group who calls herself Lady Neith - Hathor's Holocaust
The British intelligence agent Gemma Laughton -Hathor's Holocaust.
The mysterious female Mossad agent Zara Margolin - The Ibis Apocalypse.
The young ‘space archaeologist’ Dr Katy Parkinson - The Night of Anubis Cruise… 
the revenant Isis in 'The Egyptian Mythology Murders'...
… to name just a few.
Many women readers enjoy my novels – do they feel they are reading ‘male adventures’?

NEW. "The Sands of Forgetfulness". A novel. Could he save Suzanne's beautiful memories of Egypt from the sands of time? Kindle Edition by Roy Lester Pond (Author).

His young Egyptologist love Suzanne was battling the sands of forgetfulness. He would give ancient Egypt back to her, he vowed. Even if the hungry sands kept coming back to cover her beautiful memories the way the desert sand blanketed the ruined temples and tombs of the pharaohs, he would dig them up again. He would hold back the Sahara desert to save the precious treasures of her mind. But he was running out of the sands of time. Now available on Amazon Kindle.

Friday, May 3, 2024

"The God Dig" ... the ultimate dig in god-haunted Egypt. Adventure mystery thriller on Amazon

Haunt, haunted... def. a spirit that haunts a place or a person, regularly appears in a place, a place visited often, to recur to the memory, thoughts...

For me, as an author of Egypt fiction, Egypt is haunted... by eternity, by the gods... and yes, God.
Joseph, Moses, Exodus...

Do we have to take the Bible as 'gospel'?

By that I mean are we required to believe literally in Genesis and the 7 days of creation? 
In the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale? 
In Noah’s ark filled with two of every kind of animal (including the South American three-toed sloth and the Australian platypus?).

It is the total effect of scripture that works on us - literal truths as well as beautiful, often shocking metaphor.

It is not a dry record. It is a divine haunting.

"The God Dig" A novel in the Anson Hunter series. Was there an ancient Egyptian afterlife conspiracy? When a friend and radical theorist is murdered, independent Egyptologist Anson Hunter is torn between wanting to discover the truth and dreading the answers. Was his friend right about a conspiracy to suppress an ancient secret and is the explosive evidence hidden somewhere in Egypt? Anson faces a convergence of hostile elements - emissaries of the three book-based religions, antiquity thieves, radical Islamists and former government officials as well as New World Order conspirators. A secret archaeology investigation in Egypt. A suppressed ancient secret that threatens the world’s stability and belief systems.

Ancient Dangers To Today from Egypt's Hidden and Mysterious Past - in a 12 book adventure mystery thriller series on Amazon


Ancient History's Most Dangerous Weapon - Truth - a threat in today's explosive age. 'Oracle of Siwa'

In the Anson Hunter adventure mystery thriller series.
Ancient history's most dangerous weapon... truth. Has it emerged today? An archaeological mystery set in Egypt's remote Oasis of Siwa... site of the lost Oracle of Siwa that Alexander the Great trekked across the Sahara desert to consult. What impact would truth have in today's explosive age?

Friday, April 26, 2024

The hunger for “Ecstatic Union”. Did it explain Anson Hunter’s search for forbidden mysteries in ancient Egypt’s tombs and temples?

Excerpt from THE SMITING TEXTS... Egypt archaeological mystery and adventure series.
She whispered to him in soothing tones that stroked his growing excitement. “Do you know what it is your heart truly desires, what all humankind desires?” His mind followed her words just as his body had followed her guidance when she’d led him by the hand through the darkness of the tomb. “We are all born with a craving to be bound up in this thing, to surrender our freedom to serve it, to ‘die’ for this greater other. Have you guessed what it is? The hunger for this one thing is the strongest drive of the human spirit. Only one thing can satisfy it.” Sex? he wondered. Or divinity? It had to be one or the other. Why these two poles? Were religion and sex yearnings on the same continuum? Maybe sexual love was sublimated god-hunger, he thought, or was god-love sexual hunger turned heavenward? “The secret craving of your heart is this...” The Egyptian girl paused, giving weight and moment to her next words. “To be bound up in ecstatic union with the divine! Isn’t that your hunger? Isn’t that not the only thing that can fill your aching void, that can bind the pieces of your life together?” To be bound up in ecstatic union. Was that his soul’s longing? He saw a glimpse of light in his mind, not a painted sun, but a real sun. If humankind was made in a creator’s image, did that creator have this same craving to close the separation between himself and his created? Did he want the same thing as us? Union? Had he achieved ecstatic union and intersection with humankind on the cross in the suffering servant of his son who was beaten, killed and finally transmuted? “This hunger for ecstatic union will not be denied,” she whispered in his ear. “Even in death. Frustrated or denied, a longing for unfulfilled spiritual union is a driving force that can even linger on after humans die - as ghosts. Will your longing live on like a ghost after your death? Will your heart be lost in an underworld of dreaming? Or will you seize what your heart was born craving?” He felt the downward heat of her eyes. Her hair swung down in lappets, brushing his face. He felt his heart give a giddy spin. A darkness greater than blindness swarmed inside his head. Was he falling? Or soaring? He spent a time in a rushing, spinning void. He had once read words of an Egyptian underworld spell said: whoever knoweth this chapter may have union with women in the night or by day, and the desire of the woman shall come to him whenever he would enjoy her. He knew the spell and the spell knew him. Suddenly he wanted to follow it through twisting, turning pathways of pleasure, to seek out its fulfilment in an underworld union of journeying and discovery….
Follow Anson Hunter’s journeys of discovery on Amazon – paperback and Kindle

Sunday, April 21, 2024

New. TWISTS OF THE NILE The Egyptologist Detective 2 Big Egypt Mystery Novel Reads

Archaeology of murder...
1 THE TOMB HUNT CRUISE MYSTERY. A map of tombs to murder for
Daniel Cane, archaeologist-turned-detective, is plunged into a new mystery during a Nile cruise. A female passenger on board has found a copy of a notorious lost book in a Cairo bookstore: ‘The Book of Hidden Pearls’, a mediaeval treasure guide for tomb robbers. Revealing 400 hidden treasure sites along the Nile. A book of maps to kill for - and people start dying. In the wrong hands “it’s like the nuclear codes for ancient Egypt’s lost treasures that will destroy the world’s heritage and fund criminal organizations, terrorism and rogue states,” he says. Now a treasure chase begins and Daniel’s deductive abilities are put to a deadly series of tests with repercussions for the world. In the footsteps of the series of brain-twister murder mysteries set on mysterious Nile waters:
2. THE GOLDEN COFFIN CASE MURDERS A Nest of Egyptian Coffins and Baffling Intrigue A NEST OF INTRIGUE AND MURDERS A set of golden Egyptian coffins scattered to the winds. A series of connected murders. Like the set of ancient Egyptian golden, nested coffins at the centre of this enthralling murder mystery puzzle. The Nest case is the most tantalizing the Egyptologist detective Daniel has ever faced. Three rare coffins disassembled in the past and scattered to the winds. Then a series of rich, illegal artefact collectors are murdered around the world. Somebody desperately wants to put the nest together again, but why?. Mystery within mystery, danger within danger...

Saturday, April 13, 2024

How could a modern day warning appear BENEATH ancient Egyptian tomb plaster decorations? THE RA VIRUS. A Novel.

“Roy Lester Pond joins my favourite Egypt authors like Christian Jacq.” “A furious pace keeps the reader engrossed.”- Goodreads
Nefertiti, Akhenaten, the revenge of RA... Time-travel adventure. WARNING! ANCIENT GLOBAL THREAT… Who is sending 'text messages from eternity' to the team of archaeologists? The impossible scrawled message turns up in a newly found Egyptian tomb, along with a modern bio-hazard symbol. Who sent it? Is missing archaeology team member Lucas Burrows trapped in the ancient past during an age of terror? What mysterious disaster has hit the population of Egypt in the reign of Pharaoh Amenhotep III and his young co-regent Akhenaten? Why is it seen as a judgement by the angry sun god Ra? Lucas, a physician and World Health Organisation expert on pandemics, must find its source and the antidote in time to save the ancient past and the future. Especially when his lover, the lustrous Italian-born Egyptologist Giulietta, is exposed to the deadly contagion. An enthralling and thought-provoking novel.

Friday, April 12, 2024

The Ancient Egypt Trap. 2 Egypt inspired mystery crime titles

Egypt Trap *****5-star

Great *****5-Stars “Must read for anyone into Egypt and history” 'One Day I'll Tell You Something'. A Novel.

A child obsessed with the ancient past, a young mother who discovers adventure…“ I remember Egypt,” Cooper said gravely. “Long, long ago.” Her little boy was gorgeous, she thought, but his imagined past life could be a bit hard to take. Especially at 8.30 in the morning, when she was busy having a this-life crisis, running late for work and her eight-year old was about to miss his school bus.Then young single-mother Catherine meets a past life researcher and also a mysterious Egyptologist Simon Priestly and she and Cooper are off to Egypt on an extraordinary quest to follow a young boy’s dreams… or are they actual memories of the ancient past? What will they find and what will Catherine find as she warms to the impressive British Egyptologist as they uncover a shattering secret from Egypt’s past? Disturbing and intriguing adventure fiction with a twist of the unknown. Amazon Paperback and Kindle